Silence Kills Support Group (SKSG) was formed by PLHIV in Selebi-Phikwe in 2003 and was duly registered with the registrar of Societies on the 16th of March 2006 to engage the marginalized and stigmatized People Living with HIV (PLWHIV) to fight for their rights, seek equitable access to public health, and advocate for the protection, promotion, and fulfilment of the rights and banish stigma. The organization is still a key population-led organization, with an inclusive program that caters for the marginalized generally, and not only those bedevilled by HIV.
Over the years Silence Kills Support Group developed into a professional body providing integrated social welfare services to PLHIV, orphans and vulnerable children in Selebi-Phikwe.
The organization has one General Body (General Membership) and a Board of six members, three of whom also constitute of the Executive Committee (EC), The Executive Director is the ex-officio member of the Board and the Executive Committee.
Being committed to the empowerment of PLHIV and their families SKSG currently provides interventions aimed at socio-economic empowerment of women, the youth and other marginalized communities in Selebi-Phikwe.